Christine Waara Fine Art Studio of Maui
Original Encaustics in the Gallery
Original Watercolors in the Gallery
Original Pastels in the Gallery
Original Oils in the Gallery
Original Oil Pastels in the Gallery
Original Mixed Media in the Gallery
Giclee Prints Available
(Custom sizes available upon request)
My Latest Instagram Feed
From oil to watercolor, pastel, encaustic, and plein air paintings—you can find these all at my Maui Open Studio (MOS) Feb 15/16, 11-6 at my home studio in Haiku, HI. Original artwork for your home or office. Join me! For more details send me a message. This is a free community event that connects people with art, with each other, and with the artist who created it. Thank you, Carolyn Quan for making it happen.
Beautiful time spent in the good ol’ stomping grounds of Rochester, NY, in autumn. Moving Ben into a new apartment left little time for visiting friends but I did manage to squeeze a moment here and there with some loves. Made it to Rochester Art Supply to stock up on more goodies (what little I could fit in my suitcase). Time flies. Seize the moment. It’s the simple things that make all the difference. #family #travel #autumnvibes
#mauiartiststudiostour first day of the weekend proved to be such a great day seeing faces new and familiar! So grateful to everyone who showed up to see my art and share in my enthusiasm. Art is so much about connecting with others and today proved that. I wish I had a rewind button so I could take it slower because the day went by SO FAST!! And I wish I had a photo of each person who came through today. Tomorrow is another day of open studios so if you missed today come on Sunday 11-6. I would love to see you. #mauiartist #artiststudiotour #openstudios #artinmaui #whattodoonmaui #whatshappeningonmaui #artsale
About Christine
The Artist
Read Christine’s bio and artist statement